As you may have noticed I’m a little slack with the blog posting.  This is nothing new as I’ve always had issues with consistent blogging.  I think it stems from my general fear of commitment and overall insecurity–“does anyone really want to read my opinions on anything?”  But I love sharing information so I hope you make time to visit the Hack Library School  blog, “by for and about library school students”.

The entry “In Defense of Online LIS Education” was written by my SLIS-mate, Rose L. Chou.  We were Social Media Managers for the LISSTEN group during 2010-2011.

(LISSTEN was an acronym for Library & Information Science Students To Encourage Networking.  The group recently merged with the Alumni Association to form SLISConnect. )

Since many of you are new to the online learning environment I’d like you to read her post and let me know what you think.  You may feel it’s too early to post an opinion about something you’re experiencing for the first time, but I’m genuinely interested!  I was aware of the negative perceptions when I first began my program in 2008, but that didn’t discourage me.  I felt it was up to me to counter that negativity (and snobbery) by praising the SJSU-SLIS program to anyone who would listen.

I hope all is well and you’re enjoying your classes!